What's New

October 28, 2024
New Exit Drive at Van Scott Nature Reserve Supported by Community, Benefits Students

Conservancy staff members with Wayne County Commissioner Brian Smith, who also drives a school bus for Wayne Highlands School District.
Delaware Highlands Conservancy staff and community representatives cut the ribbon on a new exit driveway recently constructed at the Van Scott Nature Reserve in Beach Lake, PA.
The construction project was generously supported by local community grant funders including The Honesdale National Bank Foundation, the Human Resources Foundation, Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau, and the Wayne County Community Foundation.
The existing driveway and parking area at the Reserve was previously too small to accommodate buses and oversized transportation vehicles. With the construction of this new, larger exit drive, the Reserve now has the capacity to host visiting school buses and other large groups.
“We look forward to working with local school and other community organizations to offer nature and conservation education to learners of all ages and abilities,” stated Conservancy Executive Director Diane Rosencrance.

With this new exit drive, the Reserve now has the capacity to host visiting school buses and other large groups!
“We sincerely appreciate the generous support of the community partners who stepped in and fully funded this project.”
The 144-acre Van Scott Nature Reserve is open to the public daily from sunrise to sunset and features three miles of walking trails through the woods, meadows, and wetlands. Trail maps are available at DelawareHighlands.org/vsnr/map.