Eagles in Our Region

Wintering Eagles »
In winter, eagles from Canada and upstate New York migrate to our region; they are active and out and about. Learn where and how best to view eagles.

Breeding Eagles »
Take a moment to learn about breeding eagles, or the resident pairs that live here year-round. Eagles and their young need healthy lands, clean waters, and a safe environment to survive and thrive.

Eagle Habitat »
Caring for the forests and waters of our region means eagles can live and thrive here. It's no different for people. If we respect and protect our lands and waters, they will sustain eagles—and all of us—now and for future generations.
Explore the Conservancy website to see the many ways you can directly help protect the lands and waters that sustain eagles and people. Private landowners, visit Landowner Corner »

Eagle Watching »
There are several options for watching eagles in our region. You may conduct your own tour by following our important guidelines. Or join a guided tour during January and February.

Where do eagles nest? Nesting activity begins as early as February when eagles search for territory and begin construction or renovation of existing nests.
The female can lay one to three eggs; incubation lasts for 35 days.