Remembering Ed Wesely: Memorial Bench Dedication and Reception
October 8, 2022 • 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Join Delaware Highlands Conservancy directors and staff for a memorial bench dedication and reception in memory of our dear friend and founding member Ed Wesely on Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 10am-1pm at the Conservancy’s Van Scott Nature Reserve in Beach Lake, PA. Ed’s partner and Conservancy Founder Barbara Yeaman, her daughter Suzanne, and son Bill will join us for the day. Ed’s Bench is placed along the Butterfly Trail at the Van Scott Nature Reserve, surrounded by meadows of milkweed and native wildflowers, in recognition of Ed’s devotion to monarch butterfly conservation.
The schedule for the day will include:
- 10am: Guided walk on the Van Scott Nature Reserve
- 11am: Gather at Ed’s Bench for a dedication ceremony and remarks by Barbara Yeaman and Conservancy Vice President Mary Sue Price
- 11:45am: Indoor reception and light refreshments. Attendees are invited to share memories of Ed.
Please RSVP to Samantha Mango, Samantha@DelawareHighlands.org or 570-226-3164 ext. 9.