Tranquility Circle with Tibetan Singing Bowls with Marlaina WillowWynd Donato
August 12, 2023 • 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Bring a chair, pillow or blanket and join Marlaina for an hour and a half of easy, guided relaxation meditations, breathwork, and segments of sound healing while soaking up the beauty of the meadows at the Van Scott Nature Reserve. All adults are welcome.
Event fee is $10 for Conservancy members and $15 for non-members.
Marlaina “WillowWynd” Donato comes from a diverse background of healing modalities and artistic expression. Her deep spiritual connection to nature is woven into all her creative disciplines including writing, painting, music, and photography. After experiencing a profound healing remission from debilitating, chronic illness, it is her passion to bring mind-body tools and inner peace to others in a simple, joyful way. To learn more, please visit