Protecting Your Land

What's Special About Your Land? »
Protecting your land does require some planning and decision making. To get started, we encourage you to ask yourself some questions.
A conservation easement is a voluntary but legally binding agreement between a landowner and the Conservancy to permanently protect a portion (or all) of a land’s natural value. The Conservancy works with the landowner to craft a flexible agreement that will protect the core conservation values of the land, yet be adaptable to future needs. This legacy is recorded in the property deed and the Conservancy agrees to work in partnership with the landowner and future landowners to ensure the terms of the agreement are met, forever.

In certain cases, generous landowners will donate property to the Delaware Highlands Conservancy for resale to benefit our conservation and education work.
Why I love where I live
“We in NYC are completely dependent on water that comes partly from the Upper Delaware region.
Water is the source of life and it’s because of the Conservancy’s protection of land that our water is so pure. My land is a part of that. We’re all connected. And we need that connection to the land because it’s also a source of rejuvenation and recreation.”
Helen Beichel
Mitchell Pond Brook