Protecting Bone Pond from Subdivision
Our Story
The Honeymans live in Doylestown, PA where Bob recently retired from teaching, leading them to purchase their small lot at Bone Pond. They soon learned, however, that much of the land around the lake had been bought by a developer planning many vacation homes. When the developer declared bankruptcy and withdrew his plans, the Honeymans sold their new home to raise enough cash to buy the developer’s property—96 acres that will now be permanently protected and include a nature center.
In December of 1999, the Delaware Highlands Conservancy signed and recorded a conservation easement protecting this land near Poyntelle in Preston Township in Wayne County, PA.
The Honeymans wanted to forever preserve the scenic beauty of their lake environment. Their goal included the protection of their property’s exceptional wildlife habitat, wetlands and the lake’s water quality. The land met our criteria for a conservation easement and we were pleased to draft a document with the Honeymans enabling them to reach their goal.
Their conservation easement permits the construction of one new home and the restoration of an old ‘casino,’ the only existing building on the property. The Honeyman’s plan is to convert the casino into an educational nature center. Boating (no gasoline motors), swimming, and fishing will continue on the lake. Passive recreation is permitted on the land. Land uses that could degrade the scenic and natural qualities of the land are prohibited, such as subdivision; industry or commercial uses including mining and logging; dumping of any toxic materials; and animal breeding.
Bob Honeyman is at work restoring the casino and plans to begin construction on his new home sometime this next year. Meanwhile, he invites visitors, especially those who can help him use his place for environmental education.