Forestland Protected from Subdivision
After ten months of negotiating, Margaret and Dick Hunter signed a conservation easement which sets aside 568-acres of forest and pond, permitting only hiking trails and four future homes on a total of eight acres. The Fairview Lake Association assisted in donating funds to complete the transaction. In early January 2000, the Hunters received the following letter from the Supervisors of Palmyra Township Pike County PA, recognizing the real community value of such a gift.
“On behalf of the residents of Palmyra Township and all of Pike County, please accept the Board of Supervisors’ commendation for your rare personal commitment to maintaining the quality of life in our community. Many people sermonize about preserving our environment and rural character, but few take personal responsibility for attaining these important goals.
“By working with the Delaware Highlands Conservancy and the Fairview Lake Association to preserve your property in an undeveloped state, you have certainly taken a lead role in open land conservation and have effected an outstanding example of innovative approaches to protecting our environment and rural character. In addition, preserving this land will minimize the long term effects of increased residential development on the demand for community facilities and services, which in turn requires increased real estate taxes.
Thomas A. Simons, Chairman
Eric J. Ehrhardt, Vice-Chairman
Kenneth Coutts, Secretary
The Delaware Highlands Conservancy ultimately purchased the easement from the Hunter family for one-half its appraised value. As generous as this bargain sale was, the Conservancy didn’t have enough money to buy the easement. The purchase funds were donated to the Conservancy by members of the Fairview Lake Association who will benefit twice from this easement: all their donations were tax-deductible, and Fairview Lake members will have access to the easement land for hiking, birding, fishing, and quiet enjoyment of the splendid woods.