land protection staff

January 16, 2017

Conservancy Welcomes New Land Protection Staff

In January, the Conservancy was pleased to welcome two new members to its team of professional staff: Cindy Taylor, Stewardship Associate, and Avery Siler, Land Protection Associate.

Cindy TaylorAs Stewardship Associate, Cindy will conduct annual visits to the Conservancy’s protected properties, and is available for landowners to ask questions about managing and stewarding their conserved lands. Previously, Cindy worked as a research specialist at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, a field research assistant at La Suerte Biological Field Station in Costa Rica, and as a naturalist for The Great Basin Institute in Reno. She has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in geography.Avery Siler

As Land Protection Associate, Avery will assist the Conservation Programs team with land protection projects and collecting field data for our protected properties. She will also be coordinating the Regional Conservation Projects Partnership and working on other Natural Resources Conservation Service programs. Previously, Avery interned with the Kennebec Land Trust in central Maine, working on stewardship and outreach projects. She has a bachelor’s degree in art history with a minor in geology.

Learn more about Cindy, Avery, and the rest of the Conservancy staff [icon name=”angle-double-right”]