Share Why You Love Where You Live

Do you love the Delaware River Highlands region? Perhaps you are inspired by the work and programs that the Delaware Highlands Conservancy provides? Or, perhaps, you have a deep connection to the lands and waters of the area? We’d love to hear why you care.

We’ll feature different stories periodically so that you can inspire others as we work together to conserve the special places in our region—and connect people from all walks of life to the land.


Share Why You Love Where You Live

Personal Statement

Please tell us why you volunteer in 100-200 words.

Please upload a photo of yourself

A portrait or an up close image of you, in-action, volunteering.

Image size in pixels 1200 x 800, approximately 3 MB.

Maximum file size: 3MB

Thank you for sharing...

Delaware Highlands Conservancy appreciates and values your time and commitment to us.
