Two red efts take shelter under a white mushroom during a rainstorm.

June 11, 2020

A Gift to the Present and Future

Summer Fundraising Appeal

Finding a tiny orange salamander in the woods after a rainstorm. Dipping your feet in the river on a hot summer day. Looking through binoculars at an eaglet safe in a nest, high above the Delaware. Stopping by the local farm to pick up fresh produce and milk.

When everything changes, what feels constant?

In the past few months, we have all experienced unprecedented change to our work and home lives. We’ve worked hard to keep our families, friends, and neighbors safe, and we’ve witnessed the strength and resilience of our local communities.

In the Upper Delaware River region, we have also been fortunate to have access to nature—whether in our own backyards or nearby at a park, trail, or river access, providing much-needed support for our health and well-being. We all need something we can count on, and many of us have found that when everything changes, nature can be a reassuring and safe place to land.

Like all organizations, we are doing all we can to keep the health and safety of our community and staff our highest priority. While the Conservancy’s “in person” summer events have been cancelled, we are sharing photos, videos, and stories online from lands and waters you’ve helped to protect, and we’re creating daily educational content for you and your family. We hope you take one of our virtual hikes, walks, or workshops as a way of staying connected during this difficult time.

Our work does not stop! So many of the changes we experience in life are outside of our control—but not our responsibility to protect the special places in nature that we cherish. Your gift to the Delaware Highlands Conservancy makes certain that these special places exist today and for future generations.

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Even now, during these unsettling times, we are continuing to actively partner with landowners and communities to permanently protect working farms and forests, clean water, and wildlife habitat. We are proud that, with your help, the Conservancy has protected more than 18,000 acres to date. When we protect the land, we have made a commitment to the future in a true expression of gratitude for nature.

Together, we are leaving a legacy we can all be proud of—one that will endure for generations to come.

Please consider a special gift of $100 or more today during this time of need. If $100 is not possible, please consider an amount that is more comfortable for you. In addition, the CARES Act relief initiative now allows taxpayers to deduct up to $300 of their donations to qualifying organizations like the Delaware Highlands Conservancy without itemizing deductions.

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to make the Upper Delaware such a wonderful place to live. Throughout the spring and summer, we hope you are finding peace in nature and are taking comfort in the signs of renewal.

As we continue to work together, our sense of community is stronger than ever. Please know how much we value your support.

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