What's New

April 2, 2014
A Note for You
Dear Friends,
At times it seems like the days just fly by in an endless stream of meetings, appointments and phone calls. The work we do is exciting and rewarding, and I’m often too busy to remember why. And then there are days like yesterday.
My grandmother called and we began to reminisce about the old orchard down the street and the peaches we would pick in the summer. The memories were as sweet as the juice that would run down my fingers.
I didn’t have the heart to tell her that the orchard was gone.
I know that many of you can relate to this story. Our country is losing farmland and open space at a rate of 5,000 acres per day. I’m so grateful to live here in the upper Delaware River region where there are still plenty of trees and farms and clean flowing rivers. We have so much to be thankful for, but like every community, we must work hard to protect the land that we love.
We need your financial support to continue our work of protecting the natural beauty and resources of the Upper Delaware River region. Every membership matters and every gift helps, no matter the size.
Among other things, your contributions will support our collaboration with the William Penn Foundation of Philadelphia. As you may know, the Penn Foundation did an extensive study and found that our drinking water and the water for 15 million people downstate is at risk. With your support we can help protect the clean waters of the Delaware River watershed.
We are also working to teach the principles of land stewardship, through our workshops and children’s programs. Love Where You Live is our slogan, and we believe that education will help us raise a strong community of environmentally conscious people.
The Delaware Highlands Conservancy exists because of the kindness of folks like you. Together we can make a healthier world for everyone.
Sue Currier
Executive Director
P.S. Please give today – and help us conserve the quality of life we all enjoy.