What's New

April 28, 2015
It’s all about the water…
Our forested lands and natural areas help to protect our clean drinking water. This means that to care for the land is to care for the water. And to care for the water is to care for our health, now and for generations to come.
Whether or not you own land, you can take steps to ensure that our water stays healthy and clean—for people and for wildlife like the bald eagle. Our checklist has some suggestions to get you started.
[icon name=”check-square-o” class=”] Yes, I’m taking action!
[icon name=”square-o” class=”] I will not pour anything onto the ground or into a stream that I wouldn’t drink.
[icon name=”square-o” class=”] I make sure my septic system is in good working order.
[icon name=”square-o” class=”] I keep a buffer zone to protect my stream/pond/lake. The area of vegetation that separates the water from pollution of many kinds that runs off the manicured lawn or a parking lot is critically important to keeping our water clean. Instead of mowing right to the edge, I leave that “riparian buffer” vegetation where it is. It helps stop sediment and chemicals from ending up in the stream—and provides important shade and wildlife habitat.
[icon name=”square-o” class=”] I keep my stream clean. Even organic materials like leaves or grass clippings can harm my stream, as they reduce the oxygen content. Instead, I’m starting a compost pile for my yard and kitchen scraps.
[icon name=”square-o” class=”] I’m installing a rain barrel under a downspout, which captures rain from the roof to water my garden.
[icon name=”square-o” class=”] I’m a forest steward. I’m working with a forester to develop a forest management plan and implement good forest stewardship practices.
[icon name=”square-o” class=”] I’m protecting my land with the Delaware Highlands Conservancy or a like-minded organization.
#MyWater – It’s my water – I protect it!
Share your actions at #MyWater @DHConservancy on Twitter or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DelawareHighlandsConservancy.