Infographic of Pike County PA Scenic Rural Character Preservation.

May 2, 2017

Continuing Conservation in Pike County. Share Your Opinion.

Clean water, healthy lands and scenic views contribute to the high quality of life enjoyed by residents and visitors to the Delaware Highlands along the Upper Delaware River.

Back in 2005, people in Pike County, PA showed their support for these important natural resources at the ballot box, approving a referendum to dedicate up to $10 million over 10 years to preserve and protect Pike County’s land and water for future generations. The question passed with a 68% majority — more than a 2 to 1 margin.

Taxpayers voted to maintain Pike County’s high quality of life through smart planning and active conservation geared toward balanced solutions to the county’s population pressures, which threatened the things that make Pike County unique.

The Pike County Scenic Rural Character Preservation Program, administered through the Office of Community Planning, was created by the Commissioners in April 2006 in response to this voter-approved referendum that called for the protection of:

drinking water

wildlife habitat

scenic ridges and critical open space

water quality of rivers, lakes and streams

parks and recreational areas

The measure also called for improved county and municipal planning, acquisitions of property or conservation easements from willing landowners on a voluntary basis, and educational outreach.

Since the program’s inception, more than 3,500 acres in Pike County have been protected. The program’s funding has helped to leverage $6 million of state, federal or other funds.

Nineteen planning projects have been completed, helping nine Pike County municipalities. Approximately $440,000 has been awarded for these planning projects, with most projects also receiving state grant funds equal to or exceeding this amount.

In addition, the Scenic Rural Character Preservation Program has awarded $5.6 million for acquisition of property for parks, open space and trails, as well as for the purchase of conservation easements from willing sellers.

However, the initial Scenic Rural Character Preservation Program was limited to a period of 10 years, which time frame has now passed. To help maintain the high quality of life that we all enjoy in Pike County, we’d like to hear what you think about continuing local conservation, planning and land protection efforts.

We invite you to complete this brief survey.