Fall 2017 Highlands Journal

Past Yeaman scholarship recipients.

Supporting Bright Futures in Conservation

Contribute to the Scholarship Fund
Scholarship recipients Truth Muller and Alexandra Squatrito.

Winners Announced for Conservancy Scholarships

Bright Futures in the Upper Delaware
Sunlight streaming through a forest.

A Family Legacy of Giving

Eagle Watch volunteers assist a family.

The Eagle Watchers

Sliver Lake

Over 600 Acres Protected

Forests, Farms, and Waters
An individual enjoying the Delaware River.

Conservancy Earns National Recognition

Strong Commitment to Public Trust and Conservation Excellence
Shawnee Inn presents a check to Delaware Highlands Conservancy

Shawnee Inn Guests Donate to Protect Land

land protection staff

Conservancy Welcomes New Land Protection Staff

Women and Their Woods

Protecting a Piece of Paradise: Love of Place Sparks Stewardship for Women Woodland Owners

Find your experience…

Diane Rosencrance

Conservancy Welcomes New Executive Director, Diane Rosencrance